Monday, July 18, 2011

Lazy Day in Oxford

If you are a bright person, you can guess that this was a lazy day for me. You figured that out from reading the title of this post, yes? (That's how people here talk, they say "yes?" instead of "didn't you?" or "right?"). Well good job, you should be at Oxford with me you smart, clever person.

Today I woke up right as breakfast was ending, which usually isn't that big of a deal. But my stomach was grumblin', so I headed to Cafe Nero in Blackwells, which I've decided is my favorite coffee place here. I got my usual morning snack of an almond croissant and a mocha and headed out on a walk. I went and looked at the official Oxford Store for a while, and found a sweater I want but can't afford. Message me if you want to wire me money. I haven't been to work in over two weeks now. Not all these posts can be free.

The lecture for today was called "The Social Dimensions of Climate Change," and was given by Dr. Emmeline Skinner, a specialist in International Development. She wasn't interested in debating whether or not climate change was real, she wanted to discuss the implications it had on impoverished people. An interesting thesis she is researching and writing an article on is how it affects genders differently. Women are often the ones most affected because they have to work with the water supplies in developing countries, and are often the ones left behind when climate change forces immigration.

Obviously in a good mood after the lecture, I went to lunch feeling good about sitting in an elaborate dining hall after seeing pictures of impoverished people. Joking aside, it really was a good lecture, and it was interesting to have a new perspective on the issue. I headed from lunch with Joanna and Blake to try and resolve an issue we are having with our flight scheduling. We booked a flight for the 31st to leave from London but we need to leave Exeter on the morning of the 30th. So we have an extra day to try and find something to do, and we may have to book a hostel in Oxford or London that night if we don't want to sleep in the airport. A hostel is sounding good because when we land in Newark we have to spend the night in that airport. Jolly good planning on our parts!

I worked some more on my paper and successfully have a draft done of it. As soon as the final touches are put on this I can get started on my European Union paper, which I want to have done by the end of the week. If I can do that, as well as plan my brief presentation for the British Politics course, I will have my final week in Oxford with no homework, and oh what a glory that would be. I think I can safely say that I have never had a more appealing reason to get a massive research paper done in such a short time.

I met my friends at dinner and then headed to the undercroft bar to celebrate Joanna's birthday with everyone. We all sang to her and presented her with a chocolate muffin someone had kept from lunch and put candles in. We all got drinks and Blake and I played pool for a while. It was a successful lazy day. Tomorrow I have another long day of classes. Two of my good friends from high school will be in town as well, so if they are still around when I'm finished I can hopefully see them. Maybe they know a thing or two about the Eurozone they'd be willing to share with me.

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