Sunday, July 17, 2011

World Cup

Early on, I was worried today was going to turn out like yesterday. I was determined not to remain a sedentary Oxonian all weekend though. I got up early and began working on my paper again, with minimal progress at first. I went out to a pub called "The Grapes" for lunch and had a beef pie with mashed potatoes and peas, which was a little pricey, but delicious. After the massive lunch I walked back and worked some more on my paper.

Around 2 o'clock I decided I wanted to go on a walk. I headed out towards where I went punting, and took a little side road called Rose Lane, which was beautiful and scenic. It took me past a little cottage onto a road that followed along with the creek the punters used. To my right I saw Merton Field, outside Merton College, and the awesome Christ Church Meadow. I walked past people in boats and families walking together, it was really nice. I am going to have to remember this general area for the next couple of weeks when I get more free reading time. 

I took pictures and went down a windy street with really neat old buildings on my way home. When I got back to Exeter, I worked some more on my paper and took a brief nap. After finishing a very rough first draft of my Irish Home Rule paper (I mean, this thing is an abomination of academic attempt at the moment) I headed down to dinner in the rain to meet my friends (that's what I'm going to start calling all the other students here). We had a nice dinner, though there was some tension because Joanna and I thought Blake wasn't coming after he didn't show up for the first fifteen minutes, so Joanna took his bread roll. Blake eventually came down, and I think it will take him a while to get over that. He was very hurt and upset that he had no bread with dinner, I think I'm going to take him to get ice cream tomorrow to cheer him up.

We walked with a big group to various pubs after dinner trying to find a place where we could watch the women's World Cup game between good ole America and Japan. After a few failed attempts, we found one that switched the channel for us. Our group took up the whole pub, and we really got into the game. It was the first time I had really invested any interest in a soccer match, so I was pretty upset when Japan beat us. Either way, it was a great game and we all had fun. Bryan and I don't know if we can face the U.S. again though after such a loss, so we may get an apartment in Oxford and move our families over here with us.

Now I'm back in my room again and am going to do a little reading before bed. Tomorrow it's back to lectures and school, and I want to start some research for my European Union paper. Ciao for now.

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