Friday, July 1, 2011

Thanks for Reading!

It is the night before my flight to London, and I am experiencing all of the normal travel-induced fears. Did I pack enough? Did I pack too much? Will this shirt make me look too American? Do they even allow frisbees in Oxford?

Overall, I would say my main feeling is that of excitement. I feel extremely fortunate to be able to take courses at one of the greatest universities in the world. The history, culture, and promise of exciting travels and studies is all very overwhelming. All my friends and family have been very supportive, and I can't wait to share what I learn and see with them when I return home. I also am really looking forward to making life-long friendships on the trip; people I can go to a pub with here in the U.S. and reminisce about the pubs we went to across the pond. We'll talk about all the fun we had exploring London and Oxford, for some reason a pub feels like the right place to do it.

Without the Kentucky English Speaking Union, I wouldn't be taking such an amazing adventure, and they will forever have my gratitude and thanks. It's an organization of wonderful, friendly, personable, very intelligent people who have made the whole process highly enjoyable. Sharing the best parts of my journey with them, as well as giving back in any way I can is something I look forward to greatly.

I'm off to bed now, I don't sleep well on planes, and I don't want to be the creepy guy in the middle aisle with blood-shot eyes reading a Dante book the whole flight over. Thanks so much for reading this, hopefully I can share my travels with you in a way that will make this journal as enjoyable to read as it will be to live.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you go to Trafalagar Square at night for a little surprise!
